Victorinox Swiss Army Knives

9.5202.1 9.5206.1 9.5207.2 • A pocketbook for on the go • With 15 carving instructions by Felix Immler PAPERBACK “CRAFTING WITH THE POCKET KNIFE” ​ Books ​ACCESSORIES English ​ German ​ French ​1 9.5202.1 ​ ​1 9.5202.21 ​ 1 9.5202.3 English ​ German ​ French ​1 9.5206.1 ​ 1 9.5206.2 ​ 1 9.5206.3 German ​1 9.5207.2 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ • 30 carving projects with QR-codes for video instructions BOOK "SCHNITZ IT YOURSELF" • A pocketbook for on the go • With 23 bushcraft projects by Felix Immler PAPERBACK "OUTDOOR WITH THE POCKET KNIFE" Packaging unit Blister Standard ACCESSORIES 141