Victorinox Swiss Army Knives

11 “ Living up to our legacy as Makers of the Original Swiss Army Knife , our aim naturally is to be successful over the long term by providing compelling products and services on the global market. But protecting and preserving the world for future generations is just as important. We therefore see it as our responsibility to make sure our operations and those of our suppliers support economically, environmentally and socially sustainable goals. ” Carl Elsener, CEO Victorinox AG Operations: energy-saving and innovative Across our production sites and offices in Switzerland, we actively seek to reduce our operational footprint. For example: by optimizing waste heat utilization in our production facilities with heat pumps, and through heat recovery from our ventilation and closed-loop cooling systems, we keep our head office in Ibach and 120 nearby apartments warm. We’re pioneers in recycling grinding sludge, having developed a special process to filter steel residue out of the cooling water. We collect around 600 tons of grinding sludge and up to 1,000 tons of scrap steel each year at our premises, returning it to the plant so it can be re-made into steel. We’ve installed photovoltaic panels at our Swiss sites, which partially power our facilities while compensating for around 500 tonnes of CO 2 per year. SOCIAL – STRONG COMMITMENT TO SOLID VALUES AND BUSINESS ETHICS We are a family business with a long history and a clear vision. Our values guide everything we do, from how we treat our employees, partners, suppliers, colleagues and customers, to how we contribute to society and the environment: • Employees: attractive jobs, fair salary, generous benefits and training opportunities • Partners and suppliers: long-term partnerships, genuine commitment to social and environmental responsibility • Support for the Global Climate Expedition: inspiring young people to save our planet ECONOMIC – SECURING THE FUTURE OF THE COMPANY We are an independent family company with a sustainable approach. We have taken steps to ensure the long-term stability and success of our company: Victorinox Corporate Foundation: resolving succession issues and protecting jobs Victorinox AG is an independent family company. The Victorinox Corporate Foundation was created in 2000 to resolve future succession issues, secure the company during unfavorable economic times and protect jobs in the long term. Carl and Elise Elsener-Gut Foundation: supporting charitable projects The Victorinox Corporate Foundation holds 90% of company shares. The remaining 10% are held by the non-profit Carl and Elise Elsener-Gut Foundation, which was created by the father of our current CEO and supports selected charitable projects both within Switzerland and abroad.