145 Preis Basis base price Werbeanbringung | advertising application Features | features Stück / pieces 1–99 Veredelungstechniken ab S. 160 / Finishing techniques from p. 160 M144186 Umhängetasche | shoulder bag M144184 Shopper | shopper M144185 Pull-out Filz-Tasche Shopper | pull-out felt bag shopper Filztasche Shopper pull-out – stabile, ausziehbare Filz- tasche: mit einem Griff bietet die stabile Polyesterfilztasche nahezu doppelten Platz! Felt bag shopper pull-out – stable expandable polyester felt bag: By pulling the handle, the stable polyester felt bag expands, which offer almost twice as much space! ca. 305 x 430 x 160 mm + ca. 240 mm extra in der Höhe / ca. 305 x 430 x 160 mm + ca. 240 mm extra-height © Design by Harald Palma, protected by registered design patent Druckbeispiel / print sample Auf Anfrage / on request ca. 320 x 350 x 100 mm ca. 345 x 300 x 90 mm