Promotional Products Catalogues - Eurimage
93 P-52509 Impact5panel280grRecycledcottoncapwithAWARE™tracer. Nogreenwashing, but telling a true story about sustainability! This Impact collection is made with AWARE™ tracer. With AWARE™,theuseofgenuinerecycled fabricmaterialsandwaterreduction impactclaimsareguaranteed by using the AWARE disruptive physical tracer and blockchain technology. Save water and use genuine recycled fabrics.With the focus on water 2%of proceeds of each sold Impact product will be donated to cap has saved 387 litres of water.A simple and comfortable cap suited for anyone.This 5 panel cap has a curved visor, embroidered eyelets for ventilation and metal buckle. Cotton twill made of 100% recycledmaterials and AWARE™ tracer.The material weight is 280 g/m2.Water savings are based on figures when compared to conventional fibre.This calculated indication is based on reliable LCA data as published byTextile Exchange in their Material Snapshots 2016. Size: 12 x 18 cm. Caps & More Caps & More Print costs on page 149. Delivery for commercial purposes only.VAT not included in the prices. Quantity from 000 pcs 000 pcs 000 pcs 000 pcs Price/pce € 00,00 00,00 00,00 00,00 Personalisation € 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 from 0, 00 from 0, 00 P-52508 Impact 6 panel 280gr Recycled cotton capwithAWARE™ tracer. Nogreenwashi- ng,buttellingatruestoryaboutsustainability!This Impactcollection ismadewithAWARE™tracer.With AWARE™,theuseofgenuinerecycledfabricmaterialsandwaterreduction impactclaimsareguaranteed by using the AWARE disruptive physical tracer and blockchain technology. Save water and use genuine recycled fabrics.With the focus on water 2%of proceeds of each sold Impact product will be donated to cap has saved 387 litres of water. A simple and comfortable cap suited for anyone.This 6 panel cap has a curved visor, embroidered eyelets for ventilation and metal buckle. Cotton twill made of 100%recycledmaterialsandAWARE™tracer.Thematerialweight is280g/m2.Size58cm.Watersavings are based on figures when compared to conventional fibre.This calculated indication is based on reliable LCA data as published byTextile Exchange in their Material Snapshots 2016. Size: ca. 12 x ø 18,5 cm. Quantity from 000 pcs 000 pcs 000 pcs 000 pcs Price/pce € 00,00 00,00 00,00 00,00 Personalisation € 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 NEW
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