
The plastic surfaces of our writing instruments are protected by Biomaster antimicrobial/antibacterial technology. Biomaster is the world’s most trusted additive, tested and certified to ISO 22196 providing durable and effective surface protection 24/7 for the lifetime of the product. How does Biomaster work? Biomaster binds the cell walls disrupting growth. 1 The Biomaster ions interfere with the enzymes production stopping the cell producing energy. 2 Biomaster interrupts the cell’s DNA preventing replication. 3 Effective and save. 99,9% How effective is Biomaster? Very effective. Biomaster is proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria by up to 99.99%. Is Biomaster safe? Yes. It is based on silver ion technology, recognised for centuries with no harmful effects. Biomaster is used inmedical, food and water applications. Has Biomaster been tested? Yes, repeatedly. Biomaster is tested to ISO standards and is subject to continu- ous quality control tests and environ- mental trials. How long is Biomaster effective? Biomaster is effective for the whole lifetime of the pen. Does Biomaster affect a product in any way? No. You can’t see, smell or even taste Biomaster. Is Biomaster effective against antibi- otic-resistant bacteria? Yes. Biomaster has been proven to be affective to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Does Biomaster use nano-silver tech- nology? No. No nano technology is used due to ongoing safety concerns. Why is Biomaster better than other silver-based antimicrobial additives? Biomaster pioneered the use of antimi- crobial additives and remains the recog- nised leader andmost trusted supplier of antimicrobial technology for poly- mers, textiles, paper, paints and coat- ings. Please note, that Biomaster is tested to ISO 22196 providing efficacy against a wide range of microbes including bacteria. Efficacy against ISO 21702 for viruses is ongoing. More about Biomaster here!