Victorinox - Household and professional knives

10 SUSTAINABILITY CLOSED-LOOP COOLING SYSTEMS Thanks to closed-loop cooling systems, the heat generated by our production facilities is fed into the pumps for the heating and warm water systems. In this way, our demand for fresh water is limited to emergency cooling. 55 % RECYCLED WASTE An integrated waste disposal plan for solid and liquid waste involves all employees in the recycling of resources and reduction of waste. Around 55% of waste is recycled. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM A photovoltaic system installed on the factory building in Ibach has been producing power for the company’s own use since April 2016. 1,300 M2 OF SOLAR PANELS With the help of 1,300 m 2 of solar panels on the roof of the facility, around 220,000 kWh of energy are generated per year. This covers around 2% of the energy consumption of our factory. We also get hydroelectric power from nearby rivers and reservoirs, and the energy generated by production is used to heat the factory and 120 nearby homes. RECYCLED PACKAGING Up to 90% of our cardboard packaging is made from recovered paper and 100% is made from chlorine-free bleached paper. The inks and finishes that we use do not contain any solvents or heavy metals. The issues of environmental protection and sustainability are high priorities at Victorinox. In both our internal operations and those of our suppliers, the company makes sure to use resources sparingly and efficiently while employing environmentally friendly production methods. Here are some examples: